Newnham Riverbank Club news and information

Newnham Riverbank Club



Please note updates on the "News 2024" page. Resubscription will begin in early April 2024; please see news 2024 about creating membermojo accounts.

Resubscription in 2023 is now closed and will re-open in April 2024; members will be emailed with an electronic copy of the newsletter and resubscription instructions. resubscription will begin in April 2024 and will close at the end of June 2024.




About us

The Newnham Riverbank Club was created in 1997. It exists to enable people to enjoy a unique stretch of riverbank between Newnham and Grantchester, which has been used for swimming and sunbathing for more than a century.

What we do

Membership: by introduction

Members join the club by being introduced by exisiting members, who can vouch for their character and behaviour.


During the course of the year, we hold barbecues which are open to all members. Please bring food and drink to share.
Fresh air, sunshine and the river ... and a few points of guidance ...

Please note that all children (less than 18 years old) must be closely supervised at all times

It is important to remember that all use of the river is at your own risk
Enjoy the river but give no offence to other river users - especially members of the public using the river.

Please enjoy the riverside
quietly: do not play radios or music if other people can hear
Relax, enjoy, participate

The full rules and guidelines are posted at the site and are given out to members when they join. The rules and guidelines above indicate some of the principles governing those guidelines.

Using the club site

Pennywort Clearance

The need to keep the Cam clear of an invasive plant
The Newham Riverbank Club is collaborating with the Conservators of the River Cam and the Cam Valley forum to try to keep the River Cam clear of water (floating)  pennywort, which can obstruct and deoxygenate the river.

Club committee

Newnham Riverbank Club Committee
The committee organise the running and maintenance of the site. The Chair is Andrew, the Secretary and acting Treasurer is Simon C, and the Membership Secretaries are Nicky and Katharine. They, and the other members of the committee can be identified by the notice on the fence. If you encounter a problem at the site please let a committee member know.

Other members help with tasks such as mowing the lawn, planting and clearing. Thanks to everyone who helps!

Registration of canoes and kayaks

If you have a canoe or kayak at the Riverbank Club, you must give your name and clear identification of the vessel to the committee.
Registering a canoe or kayak at the riverbank

A piece of the Cam for the whole family

Riverbank wildlife
News and views
Annual General Meeting

Contact us

Get in touch to find out more
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